In the past five years SWG and partners have been very active to deliver actions across the One Plan Approach.

Here is a snapshot of some of these achievements:

Detection efforts for Saola:

  • Camera-trapping: –over 63,000 camera trap nights have been completed in Pu Mat National Park, Vietnam since January 2018 and more than 100,000 camera trap nights have been completed in four sites in Laos since June 2017.
  • Collection of dung sample for DNA: 98 individuals across 17 sites in Vietnam and Lao have been trained in sample collection since October 2018 and are now holding DNA kits and actively sampling.
  • Local community Interviews: Since June 2017, more than 150 interviews were conducted with local community members to identify potential Saola presence in Vietnam. In Laos individuals in about 70 communities have been interviewed informally for collecting Saola related information.

This huge detection effort across the Annamite mountains has allowed SWG to refine and focus future survey effort for Saola. This means future efforts will be far more effective. With partners we have produced huge amounts of data on other threatened endemic species. These datasets are being analysed and will be published in the near future.

Other Achievements:

  • Awareness raising – In the last five years, we have highlighted the importance of trying to find and save Saola and other Annamite species through more than 30 stakeholder meetings in range countries, at more than 20 international  conferences, and  to a wider global audience through our online presence.
  • Building coalition – Our implementing partner network now extends to more than 15 institutions. With the help and advice from more than 30 technical expert members of SWG, we have also secured solid government support for the Saola One Plan Approach
  • Captive breeding center – A partnership has been set up and permissions acquired to build and run the Bach Ma captive breeding center for Annamite endemics, with Saola at the heart of these plans

Further details can be found in our annual reports.

We need your support to continue this work!

We are looking for your donations to deliver SWG’s mission and fund our partners’ field travel, subsistence, camera traps, and DNA kits.  Please contact us or donate.

Camera trap training.
Photo: Centre for Environment and Rural Development, Vinh University

Hamnoy and Ley are showing how to collect potential Saola dung for LENS2 ranger teams and local villagers of Thongmixay village during the Saola follow up mission in Viengthong District, northern Annamite, Bolikhamxay Province, Lao PDR, Aug 2019.

Awareness Raising